Author : cortigrimpe74

Registration for group courses 2022-2023 with the Corti Instructors

Registration for the 2022-2023 group courses is done online on this site (under the heading "climbing school"). You just have to fill in a registration form and wait for the confirmation by email from the instructors. There are still a few places left for 8/10 year olds, 6/7 year olds and 4/5 year olds.


📣📣 Due to the works 🔨🔧 for the expansion of the hall, we will exceptionally close from Monday 20 to Friday 24 June 2022 inclusive. 📣📣 Thank you for your understanding. 😊

Ascension Bridge Openings

We will be open during the Ascension Bridge: Thursday 26 May 2022: 10am-7pm Friday 27 May 2022: 10am-10pm Saturday 28 May 2022: 10am-9pm Sunday 29 May 2022: 10am-7pm

Corti Tuesday #27

Corti Tuesday #26

Corti Tuesday #25

Corti Tuesday #24

Corti Tuesday #23